What is a keloid?
A keloid is a type of raised scar that occurs when the body produces too much collagen in response to an injury or wound. Keloids are firm, smooth, shiny, and often have a raised appearance, and they can range in color from pink to dark brown. They can be itchy and painful and are typically larger than the original injury that caused them. They can be triggered by acne, piercings, tattoos, burns, surgery, or any other type of injury to the skin.
How to treat a keloid?
Tea Tree oil diluted 50/50 with water:
Apply directly to raised bump and rub gently into the keloid 1-2 times daily.
Chamomile Tea Compress:
Make a cup of tea as if to drink. When tea has been steeped and is ready to drink, take the
tea bag itself and apply it directly to the affected piercing as a compress. Apply while
still warm, be careful that it isn’t too hot. Comfortably warm. Hold gentle pressure for 5
minutes (real-time) as your evening cleaning only. Still use saline in the morning.
Compresses are a mild but very effective method and can be helpful for most inflammations
and irritations. You would do this every evening for a minimum of a week.
Crush one aspirin into a powder with a spoon and small drops of water until you can make a
paste. Apply the paste liberally to the affected area. Evenings are best, but mornings if
For any further guidance, please contact your piercer.
Aftercare Supplies
* Sterile Saline Solution (Wound Wash)
* Cotton Swabs / Gauze
* Mouth Wash & New Tooth Brush (Oral Piercings Only)
Standard Piercing Care
Cleaning Solutions such as packaged sterile saline with no additives (wound wash) is a gentle choice for piercing aftercare. If sterile saline is not available, a sea salt mixture can be a viable alternative. Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized (iodine-free) sea salt into 8oz of warm distilled or bottled water. A more potent mixture is not better; a saline solution that is too strong can irritate the piercing and be overly drying to the skin.
Cleaning Instructions For Body Piercings
Wash your hands thoroughly before cleaning or touching your piercing under any circumstances. Soak for five to ten minutes 2-5 times per day with saline solution ( wound wash ). Saturate a clean piece of gauze or cotton swab with saline solution and apply to piercing. Rinse the area by soaking warm to hot water the same way immediately after not letting saline dry directly. Avoid rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, harsh soaps, or soaps with dyes, fragrances, or triclosan. Rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of soap, shampoo and conditioner from the piercing at the end of your daily shower. Avoid over manipulating the jewelry. Gently pat dry with a clean, disposable towel. Cloth towels can harbor bacteria and snag on jewelry, causing injury.
Instructions For Oral Piercing
No Smoking or Vaping anything for 24 hours after your piercing. To reduce swelling, allow small pieces of ice to dissolve in your mouth. Take an over-the-counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium according to package instructions. Always maintain good oral hygiene. Use a new soft-bristled toothbrush and store it in a clean area away from other toothbrushes. Brush your teeth and use a warm salt water rinse after every meal. During healing, floss daily and gently brush your teeth, tongue, and jewelry. Once healed, brush the jewelry more thoroughly to avoid plaque. Rinse with warm salt water after anything comes in contact with your fresh piercing food, coffee, beverages, etc. Do Not use mouthwash (Listerine) more than twice daily; overuse will irritate oral mucosa and may lead to a yeast infection in the mouth (Oral Thrush).
Other Considerations
Contact your piercer if your jewelry needs to be removed (such as for a medical procedure). There are non-metallic jewelry alternatives available. Leave jewelry in at all times. Even old or well-healed piercings can shrink or close in a matter of hours, even after being there for years. If removed, re-insertion can be difficult or impossible. When in doubt, please contact the studio!