Getting Your First Tattoo?
The most important part of the tattoo process is communication. Based on your input and
guidance, we will
create a custom design that will belong to you and you alone. Designs are done before you
get here and
ready for when you arrive based on the info you provide. Changes are no problem, but letting
us know ahead
of time is required. Last minute changes can result in not getting your tattoo that day, or
The second thing to know, is that your tattoo can be done in various ways regardless of
subject matter.
Whether you are getting a small heart outline, words, a portrait of your dog, or an
nature-themed sleeve, your tattoo will have different results depending on your intended
style and choice
of artist. This is why we do our best to shape your experience at keepsake to what you want,
and what is
Our specialty is to guide you and help create a custom tattoo that you can be proud to
display on your
body. To do this, we need you to be specific with your design intentions. We know this isn't
always easy
and often times you may turn to us, but we need guidance. Sometimes just a handfull of
bullet points and
Reference photos can help a great deal to understand what you're looking for and who should
do it. Below
are some common requests we get that can leave us without enough information to ensure we
are on the same
Client: I would like a 1 inch outline of a heart
Artist: No problem, any specific shape or thickness for the heart?
Artist: Do you have a Reference photo?
Client: I want the word "brave" on my arm
Artist: Have you decided on a font and size?
Artist: This will help know how long it will take and when theres time
Client: I want a sword & flowers
Artist: Any specific type of sword and flowers?
Artist: Have you decided on a style?
( Style dictates artist and availability )
Client: I want a butterfly
Artist: Any particular butterfly?
Artist: Any specific style?
( Style dictates artist and availability )
The overall message this page hopes to convey is that lack of communication about what you want and how you want it done can lead to the wrong outcome. Descriptions like "floral sleeve" aren't specific enough. Theres multiple versions of almost anything you could want for a tattoo. We need to know what you want us to prepare for you. The following link will bring you to our styles page and show how different all tattoos can look. Animals, flowers, trees, or something as random as a bicycle can be done in various tattoo styles such as Basic outline, traditional, realistic, watercolor, and more that will result in different outcomes.
The best way to be sure we are on the same page is to include a reference photo of a similar tattoo (if possible), as well as a detailed description to back up your image. Your reference photos backed up by a detailed description helps pinpoint what you want and what artist you need. from there, we will create your custom tattoo. Click the links below to continue to our styles page, or appointment page.
Time for some new ink?
We typically reply within 30 minutes during business hours